Hi Timothy,

DirectFB's design so far (albeit extendable) is to have surface allocations
managed by the system module's surface's pool manager. The default manager
assumes a mmap()'ed framebuffer memory from which it will reserve the
surface's buffers. So this is all done in user-space (unlike kernel's drm).
In my use-case I needed a way to allocate a contiguous buffer, load it up
w/ compressed data, and then send it to a v4l2 device for a decode. That
same v4l2 device will also write into a DirectFB destination surface, then
blitted for display.

On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 9:57 PM, Strelchun, Timothy <
timothy.strelc...@intel.com> wrote:

> Hi Ilyes,
> A video only surface (typically external) already is a physically
> contiguous memory buffer (normally/always AFAIK), and there already is the
> pixel format DSPF_A8 which is one byte that could be repurposed.

A8 is an alpha surface, a mask. A BYTE surface would be carrying an
*opaque* payload.

One distinction is the modified dfb_gfxcard_calc_buffer_size() that ignores
any padding applied by the CardLimitations::surface_bytepitch_alignment
and CardLimitations::surface_pixelpitch_alignment.

To make it more interesting, we could add concepts such as meta-data
attached to the surface that's only accessible to the system/acceleration
modules and so on, but where DirectFB core is just a pass-through.

So, I don't understand the need to create a new surface pixel format for a
> surface buffer that is NOT a surface

It could still be a 'special' surface: a single-buffered, video only, (a
CSTF_BUFFEROBJECT) surface. It could carry compressed data, a list of
vertices, etc.

> especially since the surface interface allows pixel based operations to be
> performed on it (blitting and drawing) and it can be flipped (allocation
> can be double/triple buffered).
These can be toggled on/off by checking on the surface's pixel format,
caps, etc.

I agree it looks like a hack.

Best regards,


> Best Regards,
> Timothy
> --
> Timothy Strelchun
> STB  & SW Engineering
> PCCG Service Provider Division
> Intel Corporation
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: directfb-dev-boun...@directfb.org [mailto:directfb-dev-
> >boun...@directfb.org] On Behalf Of Ilyes GOUTA
> >Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2012 3:33 AM
> >To: directfb-dev@directfb.org
> >Subject: [directfb-dev] [PATCH] directfb: introduce the new DSPF_BYTE
> >opaque pixel format
> >
> >Hi,
> >
> >The attached patch defines a new DSPF_BYTE pixelformat allowing
> >DirectFB-based applications to allocate IDirectFBSurface(s) which are
> >backed by contiguous buffers in physical memory. These surfaces could
> >be used for transport such by loading data into these and passing them
> >to other devices (ex: h/w decoders).
> >
> >As these are still IDirectFBSurface(s) objects, DSPF_BYTE surfaces
> >then also benefit from all the internal functionality provided by
> >DirectFB such as reference counting, the integration w/
> >IDirectFBDataBuffer and so on.
> >
> >Feedback is welcome.
> >
> >Regards,
> >-Ilyes
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