Hi Ilyes,

> DirectFB's design so far (albeit extendable) is to have surface allocations
> managed by the system module's surface's pool manager. The default manager
> assumes a mmap()'ed framebuffer memory from which it will reserve the
> surface's buffers. So this is all done in user-space (unlike kernel's drm).

Interesting, I've only used DFB with our custom IntelCE systems driver, which
only exposes video memory based surfaces as physically contiguous.  I had
always assumed fbdev was only mapping physically contiguous memory also.

> In my use-case I needed a way to allocate a contiguous buffer, load it up
> w/ compressed data, and then send it to a v4l2 device for a decode. That
> same v4l2 device will also write into a DirectFB destination surface, then
> blitted for display.


> A8 is an alpha surface, a mask. A BYTE surface would be carrying an
> *opaque* payload.

Technically yes, but it's just a description (aside from the macros setting how
many bits are for alpha, R, G and B).  I've seen this approach used before to do
textured video in OpenGL ES 2.0 when the YUV 4:2:0 data was in a pseudo-planar
NV16 format and the OpenGL ES implementation didn't handle any YUV formats, as a
way to provide the Y and UV buffers to the shaders to render.

> One distinction is the modified dfb_gfxcard_calc_buffer_size() that ignores
> any padding applied by the CardLimitations::surface_bytepitch_alignment and
> CardLimitations::surface_pixelpitch_alignment.
> To make it more interesting, we could add concepts such as meta-data attached
> to the surface that's only accessible to the system/acceleration modules and 
> so
> on, but where DirectFB core is just a pass-through.

Surface meta-data is a nice extensible concept.  :)

> It could still be a 'special' surface: a single-buffered, video only, (a
> CSTF_BUFFEROBJECT) surface. It could carry compressed data, a list of 
> vertices,
> etc.

Okay, I haven't explored CSTF_BUFFEROBJECT usage before (another engineer on my
team handles the newer DFB 1.6 activities).  It such an approach gains traction,
it would be good if such objects had a capability flag to indicate that they
didn't contain pixels so that could be queried and the unsuitable surface
functionality would fail if attempted, prevent sub-surfaces from being created,
and so on.

Best Regards,


Timothy Strelchun
STB  & SW Engineering
PCCG Service Provider Division
Intel Corporation

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