Hey Mostafa,

I'm always happy to see people participating in this community, and trying to add to its value. Without volunteers, we'd be pretty useless.

Still, I have to add a couple of things to this:

* We used to have a Facebook group, which was taken down due to lack of interest. It seems not many people in this community are active on Facebook, or don't even have accounts. * For most communication, we try and focus things on the mailing list and IRC (each suits a different purpose). We also have the G+ group, but we've made it very clear on the group page that this is mainly for dev call hangouts etc., and technical questions should be asked here. The same goes for the LinkedIn group, which has some discussions, but mostly promotions and none of the core members of this group participate there (and don't really want to, at least in the near future). There's also a very inactive subreddit. I would appreciate it if you added such a disclaimer to your group, since people might expect answers to questions they post, and then will be disappointed. * As a team of GNU Radio core developers, we already have trouble keeping our own page up to date. You are currently alone in managing a Facebook page, which means you'll have a lot of work with adding infos about releases, events etc... * By calling the account "GNU Radio" and using the official logo, you are creating a page that looks very much like it *is* an official project page. I do wish you would have contacted me beforehand, so we could have discussed this. * A page like this must be maintained and polished, a badly maintained page will do more damage than it'll help.

There's a couple of questions that we need to sort out:
- Are you certain you can handle the workload?
- Is there really any interest in a Facebook group?

Personally, I'm not convinced a Facebook group will help us in any way, but I'm open to a conversation.


On 20.05.2014 07:05, Mostafa Alizadeh wrote:
Hi everybody,

To be more communicative, we'v designed a page of "GNURadio" on facebook


This page specially is for GNURadio developers who are following
GNURadio ecosystem:
✔ new releases of GNURadio,
✔ new products of GNURadio,
✔ GNURadio conferences and events,
✔ new GNURadio-related projects
and anything else related to GNURadio.

We're looking for administrators for helping us on this page. Every
volunteer Mail me.

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