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as a single, small, sometimes lost, developer, I ask you:
please don't open side channels on your own.

A lot of us have been around this mailing list for a very long time, and
we try to keep information as concentrated as possible.  Already now we
see a lot of people following tutorials from more-or-less dubious, most
of the time totally outdated websites.

We should really try to keep gnuradio.org the official page for all
information on GNU Radio.
I don't see why anyone of the official core team should try to update a
facebook page with release info etc, if there is no question that this
information can and should be found in gnuradio.org; I think you might
have gone a little to far promising constant updates.

Also, there's a lively community around GNU Radio, and things like
conference announcements never go unnoticed on the discuss-gnuradio
mailing list, so I really don't see the demand for a more
"communicative" platform. In fact, the mailing list, the #gnuradio on
freenode, the github page, the gnuradio.org wiki and of course the
regular hangouts as much as conferences and hackfests are so much
communication that it actually amounts to a fair amount of work to keep
up with all the information exchanged.

All in all, facebook is really a terrible platform for discussion if you
want to make information well-searchable, well documented,
self-organized; the average time until a post on the mailing list goes
answered is in the order of hours; as a lot of the community earns its
money with software radio related occupations, I doubt the frequency of
qualified answers on facebook would ever be as high as on the mailing list.


On 20.05.2014 07:05, Mostafa Alizadeh wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> To be more communicative, we'v designed a page of "GNURadio" on facebook
> https://www.facebook.com/gnuradiodeveloper
> This page specially is for GNURadio developers who are following GNURadio
> ecosystem:
> ? new releases of GNURadio,
> ? new products of GNURadio,
> ? GNURadio conferences and events,
> ? new GNURadio-related projects
> and anything else related to GNURadio.
> We're looking for administrators for helping us on this page. Every
> volunteer Mail me.
> best,
> Mostafa
> _______________________________________________
> Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
> Discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss-gnuradio

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