On 06/17/2014 04:56 PM, Daniele Nicolodi wrote:

I'll try to see if this makes a difference. The minimum sampling rate I
can program is ~193 kHz (it is a strange fraction that I cannot check
right now).

Minimum sample rate = 100e6/512

The USRP devices do strictly-integer decimation in the FPGA.

Given your explanation I believe that the issue may come from finite
accuracy in the generation of the 100 MHz sampling rate: how is the 100
MHz clock generated exactly?  If the 100 MHz clock is divided with a DDS
to be compared to the 10 MHz clock to derive the error signal for the
PLL, the finite precision of the DDS control register may explain the
small frequency error (a 32 bit DDS would introduce the right order of
magnitude effect, but I haven't check the exact number).


The master clock on the N2xx series is derived from a 10MHz source (on-board 10MHz VCTCXO, or external, or internal GPSDO), feeding an AD9510 PLL clock generator, which in turn controls a 100MHz VFO, implemented with a 100MHz VCTCXO--both clocks are in the 2.5PPM category.


Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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