
I am willing to help you get started with this.

Let's take the README file and go over the "For the impatient:" section.

Which of the steps have you completed?



For the impatient:

1) Download gr-cdma from github
> git clone

2) Edit the file gr-cdma/python/ (line 97)
and set the prefix variable with your gr-cdma trunk directory.

prefix="YOUR_PREFIX_HERE/gr-cdma"  # put the prefix of your gr-cdma trunk

2) Build the package
> mkdir build_cdma

> cd build_cdma

> cmake -DENABLE_DOXYGEN=ON ../gr-cdma

> make

> sudo make install

> sudo ldconfig

3) compile hierarchical blocks and play with built in app
> cd gr-cdma/apps

> gnuradio-companion &

In the gnuradio-companion environment

-- Load the hier blocks  (compile one at a time and reload each time)







and compile them

-- Reload all blocks in grc

-- Load the application "cdma_txrx.grc" or "cdma_txrx1.grc" and have fun

Experiment with manual acq/tra, auto acq/tra, changing freq and timing
offset, SNR, modulation/coding type, etc
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