Dear Zhao,

Bastian Blössl has implemented IEEE802.11a/g/p in his module [1]. That
should probably take a lot of load off your shoulders.

CGRAN is our archive that lists out-of-tree modules like this, and has
the same link I just shared. I can't think of an easier way to find the
source code.

Best regards,



On 01/13/2017 08:31 AM, Zhao Shangqing wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am trying to implement the 802.11b transceiver on gnuradio and usrp.
> I would like to know if someone has done this job yet, and where can I
> get the source code for learning.
> When I searched on google, I noticed that CGRAN and SPAN have
> implemented it, but I cannot access the source code. 
> So if anyone else has a link for accessing the 802.11 code? 
> Thanks! Look forward to your reply!!
> Best,
> Zhao
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