Hi Rensi,

Well, if the wireshark connector doesn't show any packets, then the PHY layer very likely simply doesn't see any packets. That can have a whole lot of reasons – you're already doing well, starting to debug by looking at the spectrum of the received signal. So, does the spectrum look like you'd expect it from your signal? If it does, does the time domain also look like expected? Are the amplitudes in a reasonable range, ie. solidly below 1.0, but also significantly above 0.05?

Best regards,


On 2017-10-19 11:58, Rensi Mathew wrote:
Hi all

I was trying to recreate the GNU radio Companion environment in the paper "A GNU Radio-based IEEE 802.15. 4 Testbed ".
I have TelosB nodes, but only one USRP B200 SDR.

While I am running the corresponding GRC, when I put a WX FFT sink block at the receiver, I am able to observe some signals in the receiver(sink) . But I am not able to track functioning of any other layer. The Wireshark block is also not functioning and my pcap file has nothing. Can anyone please help me to troubleshoot?

I also have a doubt regarding the Application layer: Socket PDU. Is there any other programming like html file I have to create to observe the functioning?

Hope someone can guide me.

Thanking you
Rensi Sam Mathew
Research Scholar

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