I am Swapnil Negi, an Electronics and Communication undergraduate at Indian
Institute of Technology Roorkee, India. I am highly interested in
contributing towards GNU Radio as my GSoC project.
I am done with setting up the project and have gone through the guided
tutorial on gnuradio-companion. Right now, I am learning to program GNU
Radio in python and C++.
I am a member Information Management Group, a student group responsible for
maintaining institute's website and intranet applications; Programming and
Algorithms Group, a student group aimed at spreading culture for
programming and mathematical algorithms among students. So, I am moderately
fluent in python and C++.
I have had courses on "Signals and Systems" and "Principles of digital
communication" in my academic curriculum which I found pretty interesting,
so I am highly enthusiastic about working with GNU Radio this summer.
I have checked out the ideas list. Two of the ideas suit me:
1. CtrlPort backend implementation: I, myself faced issues with the thrift
version so I really wish to improvise this. I have started reading about
remote procedural calls, message queues, etc, the differences and benefits
of different message queues like level of abstraction, ease of
implementation, etc. It seems interesting to me.
2. gr-modtool overhaul: I haven't gone through the code structure of
gr-modtool but the concept is really interesting. It will also help me get
the real feeling of GNU Radio. I saw the present series of if's and else's
and would like to work on improvising this.

I am not very sure of how to start contributing to the project, so it will
very helpful if I can get your guidance. I will be highly obliged.
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