Hi all, newbie question.I have experience with hardware approaches but am
fairly new to SDR and am keen to get into its massive capabilities.

I have an external 2.1 kbps bipolar digital data stream I wish to sample
into GR via an audio sampling device (audio source) which samples at 48k.
That part is fine.

However I need to be able to align my sampling with the incoming stream so
that I can convert the bits into symbols for some IQ modulation work I wish
to do.

The data rate and the audio sampling rate are independent of each other and
obviously of different rates.

My thoughts are that I need to do data rate clock recovery (to extract the
2.1 kbps clock) so that I can align and convert the samples into bits for
the further modulation processing etc.

I have unsuccessfully tried fractional sampling, polyphase clock sync,
clock recovery MM & costas loop in various ways. My lack of success is most
likely due to my not being sure of which approach to pursue.

Can someone suggest an approach which is most likely to succeed so that I
can focus on that until I get a correct result.

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