Well, this was unexpected... I got a failure in the UHD build phase:

UHD build apparently failed
Exiting UHD build

I just re-ran with logging turned on; the results are in the attached build-gnuradio.log.gz file.

On 10/29/18 10:59 AM, John Ackermann N8UR wrote:
Hi Marcus --

I did as James Humphries suggested and added "|*19*" to the line where *18* is.  I'm running the script now.

In the "Checking for package..." section I got these two messages:

Failed to find package 'libqwtplot3d-qt4-dev' in known package repositories SOME THINGS MAY NOT BUILD AS A RESULT

Failed to find package 'libzmq-dev' in known package repositories

I seem to recall that the libzmq-dev warning has been present for a while, and isn't an issue.  I don't recall seeing the warning about libqwtplot3d before, but Googling the package name turns up a couple of hints that maybe it was removed from the amd64 version of Ubuntu Bionic (18.04), which Linux Mint 19 is based upon.  Maybe qt4 has been deprecated for qt5 in that version?  My debian-fu isn't enough to make sense of it all.

The script is still building UHD.  I'll report back whether it successfully finishes.


On 10/29/18 10:42 AM, Marcus D. Leech wrote:
On 10/29/2018 10:17 AM, Neel Pandeya wrote:
Hello John:

It looks like support for Linux Mint 19 has not yet been added. See lines 525 through 566. The author can comment on-list with further information. But you could probably try using the same list of packages as for Mint 18 in line 551.

--Neel Pandeya

I rely on community input before build-gnuradio is updated for new OS releases.  I'm simply not in a position to track all the distribs
   and do the recipes myself.

If simply bypassing that check works, let me know, and I can update the script....

On 29 October 2018 at 07:11, John Ackermann N8UR <j...@febo.com <mailto:j...@febo.com>> wrote:

    Thanks, Neel!  However, I just downloaded the version on github
    and it fails with the same error; the page indicates that the last
    mods were 11 months ago, which predates Mint 19.


    On 10/29/18 10:07 AM, Neel Pandeya wrote:

        The "build-gnuradio" script is now being maintained on GitHub.


        --Neel Pandeya

        On 29 October 2018 at 07:04, John Ackermann N8UR <j...@febo.com
        <mailto:j...@febo.com> <mailto:j...@febo.com
        <mailto:j...@febo.com>>> wrote:

            I'm trying to run the current build-gnuradio.sh script from
        sbrac.org <http://sbrac.org> <http://sbrac.org> on a Linux
        Mint 19 machine and the
            script immediately fails, saying "Your Mint release must
        be at least
            Linux Mint 11 to proceed"

            Is it safe to just bypass that check, or is there some sort of
            incompatibilty with v19?  Or is sbrac.org
        <http://sbrac.org> <http://sbrac.org> no
            longer the place to find the current version of the script?


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