I have built the detector in ltspice, but i was hoping to use gr to do a
"soup to nuts" sim with multiple transmitters and various noise sources,
feed that into the Tayloe, and then see what I could do downline from there
to recover my signals.

On Fri, Aug 12, 2022, 12:43 PM Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com>

> On 2022-08-12 13:38, david vanhorn wrote:
> > Ive been wrestling with this for a while, and im not even seeing how
> > to get started implementing a Taylor detector in gr.
> >
> > Is it even possible?
> You mean a *Tayloe* Quadrature Sampling Detector?
> This is ordinarily a *hardware component* of certain types of HF
> direct-conversion receivers.
> Gnu Radio isn't, primarily, a hardware simulation environment, although
> it is the case that many DSP transforms
>    have hardware analogues, it's not really a hardware simulator.
> It's probably best to tell us what you actually want to achieve, because
> unless it's really "simulate a Tayloe QSD",
>    it's unlikely that building a Tayloe QSD in Gnu Radio is really going
> to be that useful...

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