Jerry Feldman <> writes:

> On 01/19/2011 02:26 PM, Jim Gasek wrote:
>> What do u mean "The server GUI"?  The console on the actual
>> server itself?   The GUI front end from the actual VM server 
>> is very limited.   I don't believe you can "break out"
>> into a "shell".  If your server screen "goes dark" (?), the 
>> usual way that you connect to everything is vsphere client,
>> and all the powerful stuff happens from the client
>> sending messages to the server.   The server isn't 
>> meant to be a console.   The console is from elsewhere
>> over the network.  
> We are using VMWare server for the time being. The system we will be
> getting is a vsphere system. What I am talking about is the web
> interface client:
> https://<hostname>:8333/ui/
> For some reason it does not connect to the running vmware server on
> <host>. This seems to be related to MSIE and certificates, not
> specifically VMWare. Yesterday I had a need to power on a VM, but I was

There is certainly a known issue with Firefox 3.6 (3.5 works).
I'm surprised that MSIE has issues.  Maybe you just need to get MSIE to
accept the self-signed certificate?

> not able to connect to the UI, but I did not want to have to restart
> vmware on the host. I was eventually able to get it up so I could power
> on the VM. All the VMs are configured so I can easily log in via ssh
> when it is running, so the issue is strictly how can I "power on" a VM
> from the Linux command line on <host>. I saw reference to vmware-cmd,
> but that is not installed.


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH                        PGP key available
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