On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 7:15 PM, <edwa...@linuxmail.org> wrote:

> I was considering going with another Linksys, as I am already familiar
> with its setup screens.
> Are there any better ones out there that are just as easy to setup as
> Linksys?
> TIA for any suggestions...

It's interesting. For years I've subscribed to the notion that just picking
up whatever $40-$60 router the store has in stock is fine because they're
all more or less the same. But after some recent experience with slowness on
my home LAN (both wired and wireless) and after hearing a story on last
week's episode of Security Now (http://media.grc.com/sn/sn-286.mp3 - great
podcast, BTW) in which a listener ran some speed tests, I'm starting to come
around to the opinion that it DOES matter. Perhaps the cheap $50 routers are
leading us to sacrifice performance even on a small home network and we
don't even realize it.

No recommendations for you, sorry. Just thought I'd bring this up as a
discussion point to get others' thoughts. I'm probably going to start
looking for a home router with more horsepower myself soon and would also
appreciate suggestions.
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