On 1/24/2013 1:49 PM, Mark Woodward wrote:
A GUI for this stuff should reduce the need for skilled admins to add/remove users, check logs, or check hard disk status.

GUI interfaces have their place: they are handy for routine tasks that change little from one occasion to another.

But ...

Over time, managers start to believe that GUI-based software can be a substitute for properly trained IT personnel, and at that point, the IT organization starts a downward spiral, as managers chase a deus ex machina that they hope will take the place of competent employees.

The first, and most obvious effect, is lessened security: semi-skilled workers will always rely on the cookbook pages that they have used before, and thus they will create all users with the same set of privileges, often including unnecessary authority to access backups, to reset passwords, and other features that their supervisors assume are "harmless" and "convenient" for everyone to have.

The downward spiral accelerates as the out-of-their-depth "experts" (who have been set up to fail) find out that they are expected to learn "just enough" about multiple GUI-based software tools to accomplish "just enough" to keep their bosses from looking like fools: and then they start to find problems, such as allocation of gargantuan volumes to what-should-have-been tiny backup sets, just because the GUI doesn't have any provision to compress and chain multiple small files together, or reams of paper wasted because the GUI default for newly-created print queues is to require job-separation sheets on every printout, or even duplicate IP addresses assigned to multiple router interfaces because the managers assumed that the cookie-cutter, reduced-skill-set employees could be given another recipe book that would enable them to do everything the high-priced guys used to.

A GUI is nice - sometimes - and for the same reason that a Master Carpenter will use a jig to fit hinges for /some/, but not /all/, doors in a building. Let's face it: It's impossible to cram a Master's expertise and experience into a single set of instructions, and the results are as predictable as the fact that the GUI designers start to modify their software so as to facilitate sales of related business sectors. The problem, in essence, is that what-you-see-is-what-you-get interfaces, if deployed without proper planning, will become what-you-see-is-ALL-you-get.


Bill Horne

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