On 2010-10-17 4:52 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:
> Barbara Duprey wrote on 2010-10-17 03.13:
>> Are you saying that letting unsubscribed users post to a mailing
>> list breaks rules?

> it breaks rules. Believe me, during my last 6 years in the 
> OpenOffice.org project, I received so many requests by people who 
> "accidentially" posted to mailing lists, without knowing what they
> are, and then afterwards wanting to have removed their data from
> within Google, the archives and the like. Each such requests costs
> tens of minutes of work. In contrast, telling people how lists work,
> what they do, what they are for, is a one-time job, and they need 5
> minutes of time to subscribe.


It is a simple matter to provide a 'bounce' email automatically sent to
non-subscribers who attempt to post to a list, that contains detailed
information about LibO support options (mail lists, forums, etc)... but
this would require a change in the website to provide a 'Support' link
page to link to (please, please separate it out from the 'Contribute'


Best regards,


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