On Tue, 02 Nov 2010, Peter Rodwell wrote:

> Quoting Marc Paré:
> > And yes, MSO format conversions are not 100% and where there are
> > power users like Peter, it may be difficult to rationalize using
> > LibO when his customers are unwilling to adopt an ODF format
> > which would simply work. There is always the option for Peter to
> > propose a change in office suite to his clients and suggest that
> > a free migration to LibO would save them quite a bit in
> > expenditures and would still provide them with the same
> > functionality as MSO but using the ODF formats instead.
> My clients are mostly major corporations who don't tend to welcome
> IT strategy suggestions from their suppliers! Sure, they're aware
> of OO and open source in general but they're not planning to change
> anytime soon. This is not because they've been brainwashed by MS;
> it's mostly because they can't afford (financially and timewise)
> the risk of having to re-train thousands of users with the
> productivity drop that this would involve.
Yes sounds good. How did the city of Munich change 14,000 PC to OOo?

I do think where there is a willing there will be a way. If Govermnet
Authorities can change, why can't a corporation change. Is it what
people decide or the company? After all the employees would have to
retrain or learn or loose their job, not body is irreplacable.

I have heard often enough talk about big Corporations and all that
and yet see the world change to the point where no force was used,
besides I don't believe that all employees are stupid or lazy when it
comes to learningt something new.

I am retired and so don't have to listen too all such talk. One thing
I have seen that many here in Europe changed to OOo, not only that it
was free but it also was more stable and usable then M$ Office.

What about the Open Source and all that is going on. I doubt that it
can be closed down, and remember years agao when it started and all
the big guns smiled and thought it was just some silly nerd event.

I use LaTeX and vi or vim. My usage of a Office Suite is limited, but
again on the other hand I deal with many that have taken to OOo and
use it and I find it was something wothwile for people wiht little
budgets as well havin cleaner sofrtware to boot with. M$ is not the
allmighty anynore by a long shot.

Also does anyone listen ot "enduser"? I thin that is where there is a
big black hole too.

Sorry, but this is my 2c worth as a enduser.


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