Quoting Michel Gagnon:

> Finally, if we need to train people to the proper use of word-processing
software, I would suggest that emphasis be
> given, in order to the following "nasty" habits:
> - proper use of spaces and punctuation (hyphen vs n-dash vs m-dash);
> - proper use of indents and tabulations (many people still use spaces or
default tabs in succession);
> - proper use of "space before paragraph" and paragraph-chaining options
such as "keep with next paragraph", rather than
> paragraph returns in series.

The problem is to define "proper use". This is an elusive attribute with
wide national and cultural differences that 
would be hard -- if not impossible -- to enforce. Rigidly forcing people to
adhere to a "proper" usage when they have 
other customs would be *most* offputting. This also starts to move into the
minefield of personal taste: I might prefer 
one style while you might prefer something quite different.


I think you missed Michel's point. The examples he gave of "proper use" are
those formatting features that will make re-formatting easier. If we
encourage such "proper use" through the design of the UI, as well as through
education, many will be happier with the product.

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