On Mon. 29.11.2010 15:23, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
On Sun, 28 Nov 2010 20:26:07 +0100, Peter Lairo<peterla...@gmail.com>  wrote:
No application should be so arrogant as to start-up with the OS
per default.

Then you will be delighted to hear that it has been effectively turned
off in Linux by default, if I overheard it correctly.

I use Windows, so I'd be a wee little more delighted if the quick-starter were turned off per default on Windows. ;-)

It seems OO (and LO even more so) still hasn't understood the REAL
reason why people overwhelmingly choose non-OSS software (Firefox being
the *exception*): Usability, and a rational understanding what a regular
user *really* is (clue: it's not you).

hey hey there, take a chill pill. There might be many reasons why people
choose MS Office, but the quickstarter itself will not be it.

Yeah, I wasn't clear: There are *several* things about LO that demonstrate my point - not just the quick-starter.

And as for
accusing LO to not understanding reasons BLABLA. LibO is now 1 months&
1 day old, sorry for not having saved the world and creating world piece

It's the other way around: OO was already lagging *way* behind MS Office in usability, and then LO - in just 1 month + 1 day - made it *worse*. I'm referring, e.g., to the horrid new icons.

I am sure we will get to a sensible feature and default set, at least I
see that as one of the advantages of not being controlled by a single
corporate entity anymore. Previously, they could do whatever they (and
their marketing dep. wanted).

Well, those evil corporate entities consistently make better software (again: Firefox being the notable exception). OTOH, OSS does a great job of keeping interoperability alive (e.g., web standards and ODF). So, there is a balancing act between the ideologues and the profit-oriented. The Firefox developers understand this balance. Other OSS (incl. OO/LO) show too many signs of ignorance of and arrogance toward "regular" users ("regular" being those 90% of the total user pool who don't choose OSS - even though it's free).

PS. Could we at least egg the person(s) who made those icons? (I keed) ;-)

Peter Lairo

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