----- Original Message ----

> From: Italo Vignoli <italo.vign...@gmail.com>
> On 5/17/11 4:17 PM, BRM wrote:
> > Personally I hope Oracle doesn't drop  the ball on it and that OpenOffice 
> > can become a true community  lead project as I haven't yet seen anything 
> > from 
> > leadership of TDF  to give me confidence they are not doing the same thing 
> > blamed  Oracle for, just in a slightly different fashion. (Thus why I've 
> >  lurking more.)
> Being a member of the Steering Committee of TDF, and  having some problems in 
>understanding the meaning of your sentence, may I ask  you to be more specific 
>on "the same thing they blamed Oracle for"?  Thanks.

Since you asked...

As I participated in a number of discussions early on, I noticed a lot of 
where the founding people just rammed through their opinion without really 
listening to the community.
In some cases, the community decision was aligned with the members, but they 
stilled didn't take to the decision through the community but through what they 
wanted so it the decision seemed more forced on the community than decided by 
the community even in those cases - e.g. go back and read the Copyright 
Assignment discussion.

So while I do hope that the TDF leadership does start listening to the 
community, etc. I have yet to see that really happen any better than Oracle was 


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