I have been involved with OpenOffice.org since 1.1 or so, before .odf. I am
glad that Apache Foundation will have control of the code. For me
personally, the ownership of the code never caused a problem. I had good
experiences with all the Sun employees with whom I got to interact when we
moved the openoffice.org support web site and infrastructure in-house. There
were plenty of chicken-little discussion when we were doing it, however it
turned out well.
I wonder if we will be migrating the support pages to AF, and I have been
grateful for the generally gracious behaviour of Oracle. It is important to
not take any of these decisions personally. Larry Ellison never asks me for
input on his corporate decisions, and I am alright with that.
I think the question is how are end-users' experiences going to change
resultant of the code transfer to AF.  Linux users are being offered bundled
LO.  Is there any reason to assume AF will bury OO.o? I suggest there is no
evidence of that.

Wolf Halton

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