The LibreOffice Forums co-cordinators[1] have been hard at work behind
the scenes readying a forums solution for the LibreOffice project. We
have gotten to the point where we need to decide on the
categories/forums, and, have drawn up a proposal for you to examine and
to discuss. Please note that the categories and forums shown on the
page[2], at this point, are only suggestions and may be modified (some
may be removed or added) after we have discussed this as a group.
As LibreOffice Forums is a communications tool that affects all areas of
the project, we would like to have the main discussion and decisions of
the categories/forums done on the discussion list. If this proposal
includes a list where you actively participate, please have a discussion
there and report back to the discussion list of the outcome of your
discussions. You may find more details on the Forum Planning wiki page[1].
The plan for the LibreOffice Forums is that the global EN forums will
make its appearance first (date is still undetermined), and, the native
language forums will follow soon after. We will be making arrangements
for moderators following the agreement on the proposal.
The LibreOffice Forums co-cordinators: Jonathan Aquilina, Lucian Oprea,
Joel Madero, Marc Paré, Jean Spiteri
Marc Paré Supports OpenDocument Formats (ODF) Supports
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