Le 2012-09-30 17:41, Thorsten Behrens a écrit :
Marc Paré wrote:
Is is just me or has this announcement not been passed on GMane? It
shows in the regular mailing list that I receive in my inbox, but
does not show at all on my GMane which is what I monitor.
Hi Marc,
it seems to be there now:
BTW ... when it says "after a public discussion and community
feedback", I could not find this on the discussion list. Or have I
missed something? Where was this discussed and gotten community
On the board-discuss list. Feedback welcome on that approach, but
that's where we tend to have focused discussions on board matters.
It is a good list to subscribe to anyway, e.g. board meeting minutes
get sent to that list as well.
-- Thorsten
Thanks. I am subscribed to that list, but was not aware that the
membership was allowed to join in. I thought that that particular list
was for board discussion only by board members only.
Marc Paré
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