Hi everyone,

A week or two ago, I posted a message in this list to inform you about my 
research project. I basically study the influence of FOSS community newcomer 
experience on contributor behaviour (including community citizenship 

The survey is now live and can be found at:


The survey targets contributors of the LibreOffice community who started 
contributing within approximately the last 2 years.

I would appreciate any kind of support in helping me spread the word about the 
survey. The dataset will be released shortly once the survey is finished using 
an OpenData Commons license so that people from the LibreOffice community can 
study the dataset.

I have already talked to Florian Effenberger and he has been enthusiastic and 
supportive towards the project.

For those who have the chance to attend the LibreOffice conference in Berlin, I 
would greatly appreciate if you could speak about the survey there.

I have added below a message that you can use when mentioning the survey (I can 
also send you the corresponding .odt or .pdf files for those who want the 
actual documents).

I sincerely hope the survey will help the LibreOffice community to remain a 
great and awesome project!

Thank you.

Kevin Carillo
School of Information Management
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600, Wellington NEW ZEALAND
(04) 463 5233 ext. 8679 | Room RH401


Subject: Newcomer experience and contributor behavior in LibreOffice and other 
FOSS communities - Survey

I am a PhD candidate in the School of Information Management at Victoria 
University of Wellington, and my research topic is about the influence of 
newcomer experience on contributor behaviour and performance in Free/Open 
Source Software communities.

If you have joined the LibreOffice community within the last 2 years, I would 
like to invite you to complete an online survey. I am interested in hearing 
from people who are either technical or non-technical contributors, and who 
have had either positive or negative newcomer experiences.

The data you provide will help gain insights about the experience of newcomers 
within the LibreOffice community. It will also be used to improve the survey 
before it is later administered to contributors from other FOSS projects.

This survey is anonymous, and no information that would identify you is being 
collected. The results of the research may be deposited in the library's 
institutional repository or presented at conferences or published as articles 
in professional or academic journals. You may request to be emailed the results 
of this research. Email addresses are stored in a separate database and cannot 
be linked to participant responses. The School of Information Management Human 
Ethics Committee has approved this research project.

I expect the survey to take around 20 minutes of your time.

If you know members of the LibreOffice community who you think would be 
interested in completing it, please do not hesitate to let them know about this 

The survey is available at:

It will be available until Monday, 29 October, 2012.

I will post news about my progress with this research, and the results on my 
blog: http://kevincarillo.org. If you have any questions, please contact me at 
kevin.cari...@vuw.ac.nz or my supervisors Sid Huff at sid.h...@vuw.ac.nz and 
Brenda Chawner at brenda.chaw...@vuw.ac.nz.

Kevin Carillo

School of Information Management
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600, Wellington NEW ZEALAND
(04) 463 5233 ext. 8679 | Room RH401

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