Michael Meeks and I are completely familiar with the differences in our 
preferences for the licenses that we're willing to contribute under.  I fully 
recognize Michael's declaration.  This reply is simply an opportunity to note 
that Michael's response is a great example of different perspectives that 
people can arrive at and be completely clear about it.  

I completely accept and support Michael's personal view.  The musing below came 
to mind when I saw his response.  They are not meant in any way as a challenge. 
 It is simply my own stand and entirely about what is under my own control.

 - Dennis


I am reminded of what led me to craft, several years ago, a version of the 
modified BSD License for work that I was supporting.  (Some of that work, under 
that license, has been part of OpenOffice source code bodies.)  

For my solo development projects, my current preference is for the Apache 
License (v2) because it is more specific and it makes assertions about any 
patents I might happen to also have.  But I am also happy to work on BSD- and 
MIT-licensed projects and contribute back under those license. (The MPL is too 
complicated for my brain and I shall avoid it because it is a reciprocal 
license more like the [L]GPL than BSD or ALv2.)

My intention is simple: To provide users of my code with very easy ways to know 
that their use of the code is safe and there are simple requirements for 
keeping it that way.  The only limitation was an attribution requirement.  
Additional practices were recommended, but the enforceable requirement was that 
simple.  (My favorite general copyright license is the Creative Commons 
Attribute (CC-By) license.  The simple deed of that license is my absolute 

A companion consideration for me is to assure recipients of my code that it has 
clean provenance and that I have demonstrated the right to license my 
contribution the way I do.  To the extend I derive code from another source, I 
make it very clear what the derivation is and that my code's dependence on it 
is both clean in compliance with conditions that apply to the dependency.  This 
is also an element of scholarship that is important to me and, I suspect, it is 
part of the reason that the licenses I do favor have been grouped as "Academic 
Licenses" by Lawrence Rosen.

This attention to provenance goes beyond what licenses say.  It is part of my 
commitment that recipients can satisfy themselves that the code is safe to use 
and that any limitations are clear and understandable.  (I am very careful to 
avoid examining or using [L]GPL source code, because I don't want there to be 
any question that I have misappropriated any code under such a license.  My 
handling of code provenance also supports downstream users having that 

This is all on behalf of downstream recipients and the confidence I want them 
to have in easily determining permissible usage.  

Under current law practically everywhere, every developer has automatic, 
exclusive copyright on their own original work (when not done for hire).  The 
developer has (apart from some special exceptions that do not concern us here) 
exclusive legal rights over specific uses of their work and licensing of those 
uses to others.  So long as that is the legal foundation, those choices are 
ours individually.    

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Meeks [mailto:michael.me...@suse.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 13:40
To: dennis.hamil...@acm.org
Cc: 'webmaster-Kracked_P_P'; discuss@documentfoundation.org
Subject: RE: [tdf-discuss] LO vs AOO : GPL/LGPL vs ASL licences

On Mon, 2012-12-31 at 20:53 -0800, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
> I contribute to Alv2-licensed projects and I agree to the ASF rules
> for Apache committers.  It satisfies me that anyone who receives code
> from me can do essentially all of the things that I can do with it and
> they are assured that I can't revoke that grant.

        This commonality of rights and lack of revocation is broadly the same
for LGPLv3+/MPLv2 licensing too; it doesn't seem particularly
distinctive to me.

        What most satisfies me is that those I share my work with are obliged
to either contribute their changes back for the common good. Personally
I am deeply suspicious of the commitment to code-sharing and community
of those who will not do that, but it's easy for them not to use the
code and they are more than welcome to go and not share with each other
elsewhere of course :-) Indeed - if I had to contribute small changes to
such a codebase where the majority of contributors -to-that-code-base-
thought that this was a good way to go, I'd be inclined to muck-in with
that - but that's emphatically not the case for LibreOffice.

        All the best,

michael.me...@suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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