I really think we need to "advertise" the number of downloads for each
of our versions.
Actually, if we combined them like AOO did, it would be very misleading.
How many download of 3.6.5 and 4.0.0 has there been so far. How many
for 3.6.4 vs. 3.6.5? That would be useful.
Yes, there are a lot of people who get their version form the Linux
repositories or some other downloadable site.
On 02/19/2013 12:20 PM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
Hello Tim,
I suspect they multiply the standard package price of MS Office and
multiply that by their numbers of stated downloads, then divide it by
365. At least that's how I would do it.
Le mardi 19 février 2013 à 12:15 -0500, webmaster-Kracked_P_P a écrit :
How did AOO figure out how much their version of OOo was worth per day
to users?
I cannot figure out any way. Of course it makes great Marketing Copy.
We are giving our users some much product value, we must be the better
product. FUD or what?
The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) announced that Apache OpenOffice
has a value of $21 million a day.
ASF officials said Apache OpenOffice has averaged 131,455 downloads per
day since its 3.4 release last May. That represents an average value to
the public of $21 million per day or $7.61 billion per year, ASF said.
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