Hi Stuart

V Stuart Foote wrote
> Install directory to be adjusted to "LibreOffice 4",  rather than dropping
> numbered versioning completely as proposed.
> Also won't adopt for 4.0.3, so soonest implementation will be at 4.1.0 RC1

Thank you for the update. 

I don't see any logic in this half-way solution. Instead of fixing this
permanently (by simply removing the number), the ESC postponed this into
2015 (or whenever version 5.0 is released)

Why insist on the Linux model under Windows? Mozilla Firefox changes major
version about every month. Do they have a version named folder?

Answering Andras question "are there really migration problems?" If the
question is: are there study cases where this has been demonstrated to be an
obstacle? Then the answer is "No. But unfortunately, there aren't that many
study case reports"

Yet, there are problems: you need to reinstall All User extensions for every
version change. If keeping extensions is acceptable for User extensions
(which potentially are installed by less knowledgeable users than the system
admin) why not use the same logic for extensions that affect all users in a

Please consider these facts.


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