upscope wrote
>> Russ .docx was 2007 onwards. What can i help with on mac?
> Yes I was aware of that. If you are using LO writer, see if the document 
> attached to the bug report opens displays the full graphic and text. 
> There are graphics on almost all pages and some open completely but not 
> in the right location, some only partially open, etc.

Actually Jonathan's point is quite relevant. If you save the example
document you provided in .doc format in your MS Office (instead of saving in
docx) you will notice that actually it is quite well preserved and can be
transferred back and forth between LibreOffice and MS Word.

Since the original discussion is about LibreOffice replacing Office 2003,
then I believe it might be a realistic replacement with some quirks.

I should also add that a perfectly formatted document (using styles and
page/margin limits instead of tabs and spaces) is much more resistant to
conversions ;)

This is not an excuse to say that LibreOffice does not need to improve A
LOT, especially with regards to Office XML formats. Currently most documents
can not go back and forth (because LO barely supports Office XML and Office
barely supports ODF...)

So there is room for improvement in the new file format versions but keeping
to the old Office 2003 formats is currently the best option.

Hope this helps ;)

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