Hi Russ

upscope wrote
> I agree with his point but as I stated I do not have any MicroSoft 
> Office Software. I strictly use Linux and LibreOffice. The sample 
> document is one sent to be from Canada by a user and I've tried to 
> convince them to save it as .doc but I'm the only one so far not using 
> XP, Vista or Win 7/8. I even tried to have them send it as a .pdf but 
> that was above some of their knowledge level.

I apologize for missing that important information. Since the document uses
several cosmetic/fancy features it makes sense for them to save as docx
instead of doc. 

If they were using Office 2010 there is an option to Send as PDF. But they
are probably using Office 2007 and that would require installing a PDF
printer such as PDFcreator.
However sending the documents as PDF only works for documents which the
addressee doesn't need to edit...

upscope wrote
> I would say about 70% of the documents I receive today are .docx. I have 
> no problems with the text only ones. When I send them a document I 
> usually save it as .pdf or .doc and it is all correct. its the incoming 
> ones with graphics that I cannot control.

That is exactly the barrier I was discussing in previous emails...

I suggest that instead of sending a plain PDF, you Export as PDF and check
the Embed OpenDocument file option. This way it behaves as a PDF for your
addressees and you can still edit and modify using LibreOffice. The file is
a bit larger but the advantages are obvious :)
It also saves you from having to keep two separate files.


Since PDF files are probably associated with a PDF reader in your system,
you need to open LibreOffice first and then use it to open the PDF ;)

Hope this helps ;)

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