On 02/23/2014 02:40 PM, Bashar Maree wrote:
How can one insert a natural join symbol (bow tie) in both writer and math?
Thank you.

Do you have the reference number for where it might be in the list of characters in a font?

I found it, so you should, but you may need a Unicode font, since many of the other fonts I looked at do not include that character.

In Writer. . .

Insert > Special Character

Choose a Unicode font or one of the better ones for mathematic characters

Subset - Mathematical Operators

Go to Unicode character - "U+22C8"

I found it in "Lucida Sans Unicode". "DejaVu Sans". "Chrysanthi Unicode", "Everson Mono Unicode".

It was weird that "Arial Unicode" did not have it, even though it is my largest Unicode font set.

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