I'm a long time prototype user and have had a love/hate relationship with it. I've spent a lot of time tweaking prototype to suit my needs in the DOM manipulation area. However, I do somewhat like what prototype has to offer in the object oriented approach. I'm curious what the views are pertaining to implementing something like Dean Edward's Base [1]. Would something like this be an 'officially' supported plugin or part of the library? Really I'm just curious if jQuery always intendeds to just be a DOM manipulation library or if it will help me make the rest of my _javascript_ fun to program?

BTW ... I've been looking through the source code and the docs and I really, really like what I see. Amazing documentation, nice clean global namespace, active community and a build system that includes Dean's packer. Great work. I'm looking forward to using it and writing some plugins of my own. :)

[1] http://dean.edwards.name/base/Base.js

Brandon Aaron
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