When you drag an element each droppable is interrogated until overlaps 
or to the end if no droppable is overlapped. If you have a large amount 
of drop zones in a grid with the same dimensiunos then you can use 
'onDrag' and 'onDrop' callback from draggable to use mathematic rules 
for overlapping and decide witch drop zone is overlapped and to do 
further action.

Mark Gibson wrote:
> Hi,
> I've created a UI where items can be dragged from a palette and
> dropped into a table - using jQuery and iDrag/iDrop from Interface.
> So, I've made every table cell and heading ('th.td') a Droppable,
> so there could be hundreds of droppables, but only a small amount
> of draggables (ie. less than 20).
> Now this is causing a major delay on starting a drag operation.
> I've had a look at idrop.js, and highlight() seems to where the
> delay occurs. I tried to profile the code using venkman, but can't
> my head round it at the minute - anyone know an easy way to profile
> a javascript function?
> Anyway, could anyone suggest an alternative, some performance
> improvements, or where the bottleneck is in highlight()?
> I thought about making the whole table a droppable - but I'm unsure
> of how to retreive the target element from a draggable.
> (BTW, i'm using ghosting if it makes a difference)
> Cheers
> - Mark Gibson
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