On 9/22/06, Mark D. Lincoln <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have found a couple of fixes for the problem of using toggleClass and
> removeClass in Internet Explorer (IE).  It seems the root of the problem is
> that when you have multiple classes assigned to the className property of an
> element in IE ("class1 class2") and you remove one of the classes from the
> className property, you can be left with a className property containing
> classes with leading spaces (" class2").  What is even worse, if you remove
> both classes multiple times, you can end up with the className property
> containing just blank spaces ("    ").  It is these leading spaces which are
> causing toggleClass and removeClass to fail with multiple classes assigned
> to the className property.  This problem does not seem to exist in Firefox
> since it seems to remove leading and trailing spaces when the className
> property is changed.
> After doing some research, I have come up with two possible solutions.  The
> first solution involves modifying the regular expression used to remove the
> class from the className property.  On line 345 of the jQuery source code,
> you will find the following:
> new RegExp("(^|\\s*\\b[^-])"+c+"($|\\b(?=[^-]))", "g"), "") );
> Change the regular expression to the following:
> new RegExp("(^\\s*\\b[^-]|)"+c+"($\\b(?=[^-])|)", "g"), "") );
> Note the position of the pipe (|) characters.  This solution will enable the
> removal of the specified class from the className property in IE, however,
> it does not solve the problem of the extra spaces.  Although the class being
> toggled or removed can now be found within the className property, the
> className property will continue to grow with extraneous blank spaces each
> time a class is removed.  The blank spaces do not seem to cause any short
> term problem, however, they might if the user uses the Web application for
> more than a short period.
> The other solution is more of a sledgehammer approach as it involves
> removing the extraneous blank spaces from the className property anytime a
> class is removed.  This solution involves trimming the spaces from the
> className during the class removal.  On lines 343 to 345 of the jQuery
> source code you will see the following implementation of the "remove" method
> of the className property:
> o.className = !c ? "" :
>    o.className.replace(
>       new RegExp("(^|\\s*\\b[^-])"+c+"($|\\b(?=[^-]))",
> "g"), "");
> If you change this code to use the "trim" method of the jQuery class, you
> will have the following:
> o.className = jQuery.trim( !c ? "" :
>    o.className.replace(
>       new RegExp("(^|\\s*\\b[^-])"+c+"($|\\b(?=[^-]))",
> "g"), "") );
> This solution does not require changing the regular expression since the
> extraneous spaces will no longer appear within the className property.  This
> is the solution I am currently using, however, if someone has a better
> solution, please let me know.
Thanks, the great work fix the ie bug in my project. I used the later
solution, and I think the solution should be merged into svn. :)

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