Michael Geary schrieb:
>> From: Klaus Hartl
>>> is it possible to use $.extend to clone an object?
>>> var template = { ... };
>>> clone = $.extend({}, template);
>> To answer my question, yes it works :-)
> Keep in mind that extend() does a shallow copy, not a deep copy.
>    var one = { a:1, b:{ c:2 } };
>    var two = $.extend( {}, one );
>    two.a = 11;
>    two.b.c = 33;
> Now the objects look like this:
>    one = { a:1, b:{ c:33 } }
>    two = { a:11, b:{ c:33 } }
> The "two.b.c = 33;" assignment changed both objects, because they share a
> copy of the "b" object.
> -Mike

Thank you Mike! It works for what I needed but your hint saved me from 
trouble in the future...

-- Klaus

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