John Resig schrieb:
> I'm currently down-and-out with a nasty cold, but I took a break and
> hacked up a quick plugin.  (I just realized that I've never actually
> released any plugins... oops!)
Ah, at last! :-)
> Source Code:
> Quick test page:
> Same page, but with a selector error (once you click the middle box):
> It prints out debugging information for all jQuery functions (e.g.
> $(), $().find(), $.trim(), etc.) using Firebug's console logging. It's
> obviously quite primitive, and the code is really bad, but it's
> something for now. I figure we can take this and hack it out into
> something good.
Wow. Sick or not, you are always good for a decent surprise. That looks 
like it could boost jQuery development productivity quite a lot. No more 
adding of console.debug(this) statements everywhere while developing :-)

One thing I noticed after a quick look: The default output for functions 
is pretty useless.
When it outputs something like $.find "#mid" undefined, it states that 
the context for the search is not given, right? Seems like a vast 
playground with lots of space for ideas and improvements.

-- Jörn

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