OK, I am obviously missing something here. My code works on FF 1.0.5, 
Opera 8.5.4 and 9.0.2 but is throwing an error in IE6. I have located 
the line generating the error (no thanks to the IE error message line 
that is really bogus):


just double click on the map, and it generates an Ajax call. The xml is 
loaded in the textarea under the map, which works fine. I then have a 
schema hash the I loop thru and extract various items from the xml and 
put them into html tables and stuff them into $("#rgeo2").html(str);

The problem is occurring when I try to access the xml using xpath like:


var description = $("//[EMAIL PROTECTED]'"+feature+"']/description", 

This is the first xpath and it is generating the error. Like I said this 
works fine in other browsers on is a problem in IE6 (have not tested it 
in IE7, probably has problems in IE 5.5).

Am I using this wrong?
Looking at the jQuery cheat sheet, I don't see .text() did that get 
deprecated? what should I be using in that case? .val()? Nope val() 
doesn't work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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