Mike Alsup schrieb:
>>> The plugin is now 1.70KB when packed. At some point it would be nice
>>> to roll the changes from the past few weeks back into SVN and
>>> determine if it might be a core candidate at that point.
>> The big problem with merging into core: The currente serialize method
>> and the one from the form plugin are not compatible. The first
>> serializes the current elements to a query string, the second starts
>> with a form and serializes all descendent form elements to an array.
> I don't think this is a big problem, we can just rename the form's
> serialize method to formSerialize or something like that.  It's
> unfortunate that two methods of the same name exist and it's better to
> fix it now than to perpetuate it.  I think the real question is
> whether or not to add another 2K to core.

I think, if the Ajax module is in the core, the form module should be as 

The only way to use the form plugin is with Ajax and also because we 
need to do something about the current serialize method anyway...


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