> I'm personally not sure that the entire ajax.js should be part of the
> core.  jQuery to me is about DOM searching and manipulation.  Its Ajax
> features are excellent, but I wouldn't cry at all if I had to include
> the ajax "plugin" or "official extension" or whatever you'd like to
> call it, only when I needed it.  I've actually done this on several
> occasions when I wanted to save some bandwidth and I wasn't using any
> of the ajax features. I've commented out ajax.js from build.xml and
> packed my own ajax-free jQuery and it works great.  It only saves
> around 3k packed, but that's significant when we're talking about <20k
> total. I realize that the politics surrounding not having the "ajax"
> buzzword included in the library by default are a significant issue in
> regards to developer addoption and jQuery marketing in general.  But
> it would further the goal of file size, and it really is pereferial to
> the overall goal of jQuery.

That is a good point. It would be great to have a small core, consisting of DOM 
selection/manipulation and the event system. Everything else, including ajax 
and fx modules, is optional.

To make this applicable, a nice build system that allows you to choose basic 
and extended plugins and create both normal and compressed files, without the 
burden of SVN and ant, would be necessary.

Jörn Zaefferer

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