Dan Atkinson wrote:
> Going by the title, I fear that this is more wishful thinking and showmanship
> than anything else.
Hi Dan,

Correct. I wasn't trying to be arrogant, on the contrary, i just wanted 
to "poke" around to see how people reacted on my plugin. I've tried this 
before with the email is sent titled "new plugin: Window", but i only 
received about 3 reactions on that, and i felt disapointed since i've 
put so much work in it, perfecting it (in my eyes). The mail with this 
title received some critisism, but also gave me some new ideas to work 
with, something i ran out of and that is all i ever wanted.

To be honest, the last time i looked at thickbox it was only capable of 
showing 1 image, and not (like it is now) capable of doing much more. :s 

On your comment on degration, I am not sure my window plugin needs to 
degrade, after all, you have to open it from Javascript and it is a 
javascript build and controlled box... That's just my opinion, since i 
don't see how i could degrade this... It is either javascript on or off 
with this plugin.

I'm hoping to get the community's thoughts on how i can improve this 
dialog, so people can implement this on their own CMS/website whatever 
use they feel for it. I think the reason the dragging is kinda slow, is 
the entire discussion going on about the best way to create the 
draggables for interface, so i hope that get's solved pretty quick.

Since all i wanted to create (show off) with this plugin that it is 
possible to create a OS like dialog very easy (without those nasty popup 
blockers), maybe it's better to find a way to combine both plugins??

Anyway, i hope i didn't sound to arrogant, i was also a bit pissed on 
ajaxian.com constantly bragging on about ruby, prototype, scriptaculous, 
moo, YUI and forgetting all about jquery....

Hoping on a response,

-- Gilles

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