> I think we should be very careful about be negative about
> JavaScript, after all it is the language we are working in.

It's a pretty good language, too.

> My line was meant more to reflect that fact the programming
> cross browser DOM stuff in JavaScript is really painful and 
> not fun. jQuery has made it fun! Sure there are lots of other
> libraries that support cross browser scripting, but they tend
> to be more obtrusive, heavy handed and in your face.
> jQuery lets you focus on what you need to do. 

Agreed, it's the DOM bindings that make web programming so tedious. By
wrapping them in jQuery it becomes a lot less painful and a whole lot

Read Paul Graham's essay "Succinctness is Power" and you would swear he
wrote it with jQuery in mind.

Maybe that should be the focus of the slogan, something like these:

jQuery: Write less and do more
jQuery: Say no more   (for Monty Python fans)
jQuery: Web programming, short and sweet

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