
I have some solutions in Visual jQuery for dealing with line-breaks (I
assume you're using XSL). They won't perfectly match what you're doing, but
you can see the basic technique for splitting up lines and reformatting.

-- Yehuda

On 1/18/07, Dotan Dimet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I've updated all my PDF files to have a cover page and title.

I ended up using the classic "hat.gif" - - because it was easiest to find on
the site.

For my updated script to work, you need to save that file in the same
directory as the build.xml and version.txt files.

My script also doesn't distinguish between documentation produced by
looking at all the plugin files and documentation generated by reading
the jquery-including-all-plugins file that the build generates. Maybe I
should drop the word "all" (which I use in both cases, because it sounds
better than "a random assortment of").

What I'd really like to see in documentation is the selectors explanation:

But I realize it's tricky sticking in parsable doc-comments.

I also need to improve how I format description blocks - I either insert
too many line breaks or not enough.

- Dotan.

Sam Collett wrote:

> On 18/01/07, Dotan Dimet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Sam, a cover page is a fine idea.
>> There's a version.txt file in the source repository, but no image files
>> - can you help me hunt down a suitable logo for the cover page?
>> My script can deduce if it's building docs for JQuery or for JQuery +
>> plugins by looking at its arguments, But I probably won't bother
>> differentiating between "with plugins" and "with all plugins" - the
>> latter is created by running the script from the command line on all
>> .js files I can find in the plugins directory, and hopefully all these
>> (things like blockUI, for example), will eventually make it into the
>> build file.
>> - Dotan
> There is the image that is used for the background of the jQuery home
> page, but it has a black background.
> There is also a bunch of 'powered by' logos in this blog post:
> In case John (or whoever designed the logo) reads this, perhaps the
> logo should be in SVN (in various formats, like PSD, GIF, JPG and
> PNG). If it was, documentation (like the PDF's generated by Dotan)
> could look better and be relevant to the version in question (the logo
> could change for each point release (1.2, 1.3 etc)).
>> Sam Collett wrote:
>>> Some suggestions.
>>> How about a cover page showing the version number of jQuery (and maybe
>>> even the logo - if that is in SVN)? Also maybe the document title
>>> should be set ('jQuery 1.1 with all plugins
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