Hello Everybody,
  It's my first post here. I've been using jquery for some time now but new
to interface and don't have much deep knowledge of javascript.  So just
playing with interface, what i was trying to do is to make a menu like
http://mootools.net. I'm talking about the top menu (Download, Docs, Forum,

I'm trying making the same effect using jquery and interface. Check it at
http://sharanbrar.com/moo/  I've been partially successful. But as you can
see the enlarging of the moused over menu item and collapsing of other menu
items do not happen at the same time. They happen one after the other. Is
there a way in which they can happen at the same time ? or there is some
other method to make this effect. ?

I'm using following code for this

           $(".kwicks li a").animateStyle("width:105px", 500);
           $(this).animateStyle("width:185px", 500);

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Sharandeep Brar
jQuery mailing list

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