
Waning: The following is written by a NON-programmer.

jQuery to me is the evolution of CSS, not the evolution of JavaScript.  When
I discovered CSS, I fell in love with it because of the :hover tag.  It just
worked.  I didn't need to learn programming.  It was like magic.  To me,
jQuery and CSS act exactly alike in this manner.  jQuery has more features,
but the model works the same for me.  When I think of CSS, I am *not* just
thinking how it LOOKS, I am thinking how it ACTS.  So the selector model is
a perfect fit.

I drank the Kool-Aid on jQuery because of the slideDown() function. It just
worked, and I didn't need to learn to program.  I made the
intuit.cominteractivity  by myself.  I actually tried to do this type
of thing with
mootools, dojo, YUI and Prototype before jQuery.  Only jQuery worked for me
because it was so much like CSS, that I could learn it.

Some other factors I have really enjoyed.:
1. The API has *examples*.  This is so simple, yet YUI doesn't have it.  I
have no idea why.
2. The community is really friendly.  They allow off-topic discussions and
even allow newbies tro ask how to do the simplest task.  I have yet to see
someone say, READ THE API.
3. Plugins.  Active development.  Not only are they growing rapidly.  They
actually take feedback and build them into the plugins!
4. Programmer approved.  I do ultimately have to work with people who know
what they are talking about.  When they see my "code" they know what I meant
to do and how the thing works, so they can take the next steps.

I get depressed when I say to a programmer, "I want it to slide down, but
not evenly, I want it to bounce a little at the end, and also fade in during
the slide."  The reason I get depressed is that for YEARS the answer was "We
don't have time, we will have to get to that later."  Now, I do it myself
and they are happy because they could focus on more pressing functional
issues.  It also has had the happy side effect of making interactivity
accessible to the programmers.  They have been much more willing to
experiment with UX effects because it so fast to prototype.

Right now, I am working with YUI and YUI-ext.  It took me 3 hours to figure
out the syntax to make something hide using display, not visibility.  I feel

Ok, Im rambling.  I hope this was a little helpful.

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