Matt Kruse wrote:
> I really don't like the idea of forking jQuery, but I'd much rather have
> less selectSomething logic and more doSomething logic, so maybe at some
> point I'll prepare a version of about the same size (or bigger) with
> emphasis on the opposite end. Or maybe not. jQuery does things about 80% the
> way I would do it myself, so I guess I have to sacrifice the 20% and do
> things the jQuery way. I need to write a blog entry titled "How I Learned To
> Stop Worrying And Love The jQuery"!
No, I don't like the idea of forking either.... in fact it is 
infuriating. This is not a community that is going to balk at your 
changes. jQuery can easily be extended with your own methods. Its core 
functionality can also be changed. You can make these changes available 
to us without forking the thing & splitting a community. See the 
dimensions plugin in how it extends the $.width() & $.height() methods  
for an example;

> I also plan to adapt my table sort/filter/autofiler/page/stripe/etc
> functions into a plugin. The existing table sorter seems to do the job, but
> I like to have all my table functionality in one place, and I think I handle
> it a little faster and more robustly in my code, so look for that at some
> point if you're interested.
It would be nice to see a fast & efficient abstracted stripping plugin. 
There is one in tablesorter. There is also one available in rikrikrik's 
most excellent quicksearch plugin;

I've pulled some of that code out so it can be adapted via 

> I've found a version of a "Cheat Sheet" but it's not nearly as cool as the
> latest Prototype cheat sheet. I was hoping to find a cool color printable
> sheet to hang on my wall as a reference. The API is great, but a bit too
> long-winded to hang on a wall ;)
>  is a nice API ref that's 
downloadable. The API is *very* small & easily remembered after a solid 
weeks worth of coding in jQ. If having an eye candy drop cloth over 
something is your reason for using a technology, god help you.

I look forward to your work.

~ Brice

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