Chris Domigan wrote:
> Another thought - is it possible to get the element that triggered the 
> jqmShow)? So if I have n anchor elements with class of "jqmShow", the 
> modal object (once triggered) will have a reference to its calling 
> element?


    Sure thing. The last triggering element is stored in the hash as "t" 
(see the README). Also, the hash is passed to the onShow, onHide, and 
onLoad callbacks as the first argument. So;

$(e).jqm({onShow: showCallback});

function showCallback(hash) {
    // get the triggering element
    var trigger = hash.t;

Is an example. My previous post shows how to access the hash globally, 
so you can see who the last trigger of an jqModalized element was 
OUTSIDE any callbacks.

Hope this helps,

~ Brice

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