Have you posted this on the developer list? That's probably a really 
good place for this post.


manfred berry wrote:
> Hi
> I wonder why jquery is using the : as seperator for custom selectors as this
> is just another character which can be used in any element id.
> In other words this means that for example if I have an id="my:elem" this
> element is the not selectable like $('#my:id') as the regexp on 
> line 949: re2 = /^([#.]?)([a-z0-9\\*_-]*)/i;)   // jquery 1.1.1
> does split that and uses the :elem as custom selector.
> You might now ask why am I using : as element id's.
> The answer is pretty easy. JSF uses a : to automatically generate element
> id's in HTML and that's unfortuntely not changeable. And I have to use jsf.
> But I really like jquery a lot and would love to use it in my future
> projects together with JSF.
> Any way that for example, before splitting the id and use the 2nd part of
> the id as custom selector do a search for the full ID as specified, and if
> no element is found fall back to the custome selector way of splitting?
> Or even better that the custom selector character could be configurable?
> Would you guys (jquery members) consider that as an option if I would send a
> patch for that for future releases?
> I prefere to go with official releases as otherwise updating to newer
> versions gets a pain....
> Tx for your help.


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