
Warning noted.... Thanks again for your help!


On 3/8/07, Weaver, Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Good question.  I can only guess that Draggables is probably using
offsets to build the containment box and AFAIK, this does not take into
account padding (and it shouldn't).  The use of offsets was more than likely
also the cause of the initial bounding issue you had.  Even though you
repositioned the parent using margins, since it was not relatively or
absolutely positioned, the call to get parent offset was returning the
parent's initial location minus the margin adjustment.  WARNING: These are
all just wild guesses off the top of my head, though.  I could be completely
wrong ;)



Behalf Of *Gord Busse
*Sent:* Thursday, March 08, 2007 12:25 PM
*To:* jQuery Discussion.
*Subject:* Re: [jQuery] Interface Draggables Problem


Thanks, you rock! I knew it had to be something simple.

One more question though. Any idea why it ignores my padding: 10px;
setting on the parent element?

Thanks again,

 On 3/8/07, *Weaver, Scott* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ah, easy fix.  I went ahead and mimicked your site.  All you need to do to
fix this is to set the parent element, #page in your case,
position:relative.  Now it works like a charm!




Behalf Of *Gord Busse
*Sent:* Thursday, March 08, 2007 9:52 AM
*To:* JQuery Discuss
*Subject:* [jQuery] Interface Draggables Problem


I am new to JQuery and am very excited to start using it and jump into the
world of javascript programming. I have been experimenting with the
Interface plugins and have come across a problem or possible bug with the
Draggable library. Please see the following page:

I have a parent div horizontally centered on the page using:

margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;

And have a child div inside that set to be draggable. But the draggable
div does not appear to be obeying the containment: 'parent' command and
staying within the div. In fact it seems that there is a constraint but the
constraint is left justified whereas the parent div is centered? Furthermore
the draggable child div also appears to be ignoring the padding setting of
the parent div as well?

If I take out the auto margin settings to make the parent div left
justified it looks better but it still doesn't seem to be working right?

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give me.


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