I don't have much of a clue how to code what you mean
with the errorPlacement function:

Here's what I tried, which didn't work...everything else runs
fine without it... remember, unfortunately you're helping someone
who has just begun to work with jQuery and the plug-ins... :o)

        $.validator.defaults.debug = true;
        $().ready(function() {

                // validate Mortgage_Calculation_Form form fields on blur
                        errorPlacement: function(error, #Principal) {
                    focusInvalid: "false",
                        event: "blur",
                        rules: {
                                Principal: {required: true},
                                Interest: {required: true,
                                           number: true},
                                Years: {required: true,
                                        number: true}

                        messages: {
                                Principal: "Please enter the Principal.",
                                Interest: {required: "Please enter the
Interest Rate.",
                                           number: "Please enter a
                                Years: {required: "Please enter the Years.",
                                        number: "Please enter a number."}

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Jörn Zaefferer
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2007 5:30 PM
To: jQuery Discussion.
Subject: Re: [jQuery] Options for Validation...

Rick Faircloth schrieb:
> Calling all jQuery/CF’ers…
> I’m not real satisfied with the error message placement
> options in Jorn Zaefferer’s validation plug-in.
> I like to place my error messages right above the form field
> that the error message references.
> Right now, as I understand it, Jorn’s plug-in doesn’t allow
> for that type of placement.
Forgot that other message. Well, parts of it. You can customize the 
error placement!

Just implement the errorPlacement function:

errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
// do whatever you like with error and the element, eg.:
error.insertBefore(element); // <- inserts the error before the element, 
use next() or prev() or parent() on element etc. to navigate through the DOM

Jörn Zaefferer


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