You could use  some sort of content negotiation to serve up different versions 
of jquery depending on browser. Apache  has a few different ways of doing 
this, not sure about other web servers.

On Friday March 9 2007 10:10:14 am Jeremy Dill wrote:
> I am having major issues with the newer versions of JQuery with IE6.
> Everything works beautifully in Firefox and IE 7.  Jquery 1.04 is stable in
> IE 6, but jquery1.11+ causes an occasionally crash IE runtime error when
> using radio buttons that are triggering xajax calls.  A bigger issue is
> that now I have really messeded CSS issues.  To solve the Radio button
> issues, I am probably just going to remodel that part of the page without
> radios. But, as far as the CSS, I am at a loss.  Any ideas on how Jquery
> 1.1.1+ could cause css issues in IE?  I am looking for clues, but haven't
> found any yet.  Each refresh causes different div backgrounds to appear and
> dissappear in a seemingly random pattern.
> Can somebody wave a magic wand and make IE6 go away?
> thanks,
> jeremy

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