Whoops, let out a piece: this will reset the timer after success, so the 
autosave will happen again:

function handleResponse(responseText, statusText)

If you pass a successFn into save(), then run startTimer() in that 
success function, so that the timer restarts after the successful autosave.

- Jack

Jack Killpatrick wrote:
> Dan,
> I'm using the form plugin to do an autosave. Here are some chunks of 
> what I do (it's not namespaced, so you might want to add that, etc):
> var _timerRunning = false;
> var _timer = null;
> function startTimer()
> {
>    if (! _timerRunning)
>    {
>        _timer = setTimeout ( "save()", 12000 );
>        _timerRunning = true;
>    }
> }
> $(document).ready(function() {
>    startTimer();
> });
> function save(successFn)
> {
>    var options = {
>        type:           'POST',
>        beforeSubmit:   beginRequest,
>        success:       (successFn != undefined) ? successFn : 
> handleResponse,
>        semantic:     true
>    };
>    $("#surveyForm").ajaxSubmit(options);
> }
> You can optionally pass success/callback function into save(), ie: 
> save( onSuccess ). In my case, it was OK for it to post to the url 
> declared in the form tag, but there's a url option you can set in the 
> form plugin, too. Not shown above: I also have a hidden name="action" 
> element that I change the value of at different times, based on button 
> clicks (if the user causes a save), to support different handling on 
> the post to the server.
> - Jack
> Dan Wilson wrote:
>> I am attempting to use the .serialize function to post a form via
>> Ajax. The form is very large and has just about every type of form
>> element possible. I was not clear on the semantics to select all form
>> elements in a particular form and all the examples I found were for
>> The use case is an autosave for the form. I looked at the form plugin
>> and it seemed to want to take control of the form submit. In my use
>> case I want to save the form in the background and let the user
>> continue to work with the form.
>> All help and advice is appreciated.
>> dw

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